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April 1, 2020


Amended Statement includes additional information from the CDC and Oakland County Health Department.  


Special Statement regarding COVID-19/Coronavirus


At Medical Alternatives, Inc., we have always been committed to providing the highest level of service possible to our persons served.  During these uncertain times, that commitment has remain unchanged.  We know that we share this commitment with the loved ones, family members and professional treatment teams dedicated to our population. 


In accordance with the recent order from the Oakland County Health Division all employees at Medical Alternatives, Inc. will undergo daily mandatory health screenings.  


Our highest priority currently is the health and safety of the people we serve.  To protect our community at this time, we have taken the following actions:


-       All non-essential appointments are suspended until further notice

-       All community outings are suspended until further notice

-       Group outings are suspended until further notice

-       Team Meetings will be rescheduled or held via teleconference until further notice

-       Visitors will not be permitted into the group home environment, including therapists, delivery persons, vendors or outside transportation.  


Care Managers continue to monitor each of their persons served closely, with daily check ins and additional oversight to ensure provision of food, medications and supplies.  Staff has been provided with additional training in the proper protocol to minimize exposure to contagions.  


Additional resources can be found on our website, and current information regarding COVID-19 can be found on the websites of The CDC and The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services.


Please feel free to contact us at any time with questions or concerns.


Dan Eaton, RN, CBIS

Executive Director



Please refer to this website for information as we modify strategies to ensure safety measures and directives issued by government officials.  


Official Medical Alternatives, Inc. transportation policy:


Restrictions of non-essential appointments


Community Mitigation Strategies issued by State of Michigan 


Additional websites and resources:


The Oakland County Health Division:

(248) 858-1280 or or visit


The Center for Disease Control:




Mental Health and Coping during COVID-19 


Additional Resources provided to staff, administration and persons served:


Cover your Cough


Guidelines for Infection Control


Hand Sanitizer Fact Sheet


Know the facts: COVID-19


Social Distancing: What you need to know


Self Monitoring, Quarantine and Isolation Guidelines



We will continue to follow guidance from the Oakland County Health Division, the MDHHS and the CDC as conditions change.  Our staff have received additional support in appropriate hand washing techniques and will continue to cue our persons served to maintain hygienic practices.  


Please feel free to contact us at any time with questions or concerns.


Dan Eaton, RN, CBIS

Executive Director

Medical Alternatives, Inc

MARC Therapies of Novi



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